Hi Pedro,

You are right, it is a partial implementation. We chose not to propose an implementation for associated datatypes and type families because it is unknown if there is a demand for it.

But I don't think coming up with the TH AST modifications for associated type synonyms and type families is that much harder. Especially associated datatypes are very similar to associated type synonyms. The difficult part is in the GHC translation of course.


José Pedro Magalhães wrote:
Hello Thomas,

I see this is a proposal for a partial implementation of #1673 (http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1673). Maybe it would be good if the remaining syntax (associated datatypes and type families) would also be defined and implemented in TH. Or maybe there isn't much demand for this?...


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 15:57, Thomas van Noort <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    Recently, we released a library on Hackage for generic rewriting
    (package "rewriting" if you are curious). The user of the library is
    expected to define type class instances to enable rewriting on his
    or her own datatypes. As these instances follow the datatype
    declarations closely, we tried to generate the instances using
    Template Haskell. Unfortunately, associated type synonyms are not
    yet supported by TH.

    After a presentation at the WGP'08, Simon encouraged us to write a
    proposal about adding associated type synonyms to TH, so that it can
    be added to GHC. So, here is our proposal.

    The TH AST must allow 1) kind declarations of associated type synonyms
    in class declarations and 2) their definitions in instance
    declarations. For example,

    class Foo a where
     type Bar a :: *

    instance Foo Int where
     type Bar Int = String

    The TH library defines a datatype Dec which contains a constructor
    for class declarations and instance declarations:

    data Dec
    = ...
    | ClassD Cxt Name [Name] [FunDep] [Dec]
    | InstanceD Cxt Type [Dec]

    1) Associated type synonym kind declarations

    We suggest to add a constructor to the Dec type:

    | AssocTySynKindD Name [Name] (Maybe Kind)

    assocTySynKindD :: Name -> [Name] -> Maybe KindQ -> DecQ

    The first field is the name of the associated type synonym, the
    second field is a list of type variables, and the third field is an
    optional kind. Since kinds are not yet defined in TH, we have to add
    some kind of kind definition (pun intended):

    data Kind
    = StarK
    | ArrowK Kind Kind

    type KindQ = Q Kind
    starK :: KindQ
    arrowK :: KindQ -> KindQ -> KindQ

    We explicitly choose not to reuse the Type type to define kinds
    (i.e., type Kind = Type as in GHC) since we think a separation
    between the two worlds is much clearer to the users of TH.

    2) Associated type synonym definitions

    We suggest to add another constructor to the Dec type:

    | AssocTySynD Name [Type] Type

    assocTySynD :: Name -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ -> DecQ

    The first field is the name of the type synonym, the second field is
    a list of type arguments, and the third field is the body of the
    type synonym.

    We would like to hear your comments to this proposal.

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