"Lyle Kopnicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I had some code using the oldtime package, and want to convert it to use
> the time package.
> One of the things I need to do is calculate the number of seconds since
> midnight. The easy part is getting a TimeDiff result:

You mean DiffTime?

> utc <- getCurrentTime
> tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
> let td = timeOfDayToTime $ localTimeOfDay $ utcToLocalTime tz utc
> Now td is a TimeDiff representation of the number of seconds since
> midnight. It prints nicely, but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out
> how to truncate it to an Int.

You could do something like
fromEnum td `div` fromEnum (secondsToDiffTime 1)
which says that you are computing a whole number of seconds.

Jón Fairbairn                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.chaos.org.uk/~jf/Stuff-I-dont-want.html  (updated 2008-04-26)

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