OK, I've found package.conf file and updated there libraries manually.
Why new one doesn't work I don't know though.
If anyone can have an idea, it'd be helpful.


On Thursday 13 November 2008 22:08:19 Bartosz Wójcik wrote:
> I'm facing problem after I've reinstalled directory- (setup
> configure/build/install). Since then I cannot complie anything that needs
> this library. It fails with following messages:
> Preprocessing library haddock-2.4.0...
> Preprocessing executables for haddock-2.4.0...
> Building haddock-2.4.0...
> /usr/bin/ar: creating dist/build/libHShaddock-2.4.0.a

>Situation is following:
>Old directory- resides 
>in /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/directory-
>New one in /usr/local/lib/directory-

>Why new one doesn't work?
>How to force linker to use old one?

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