
For the (probably small) set of people who are interested both in D-Bus
and in Haskell, I'm pleased to announce the first release of Bustle, a
tool to show diagrams of D-Bus traffic for profiling purposes. It
consists of a small C executable to log traffic, and a Gtk+ application
which draws diagrams using Cairo.

There's no single web page for it yet.
http://resiak.livejournal.com/59590.html has slightly more information
and context, the release is at
http://people.collabora.co.uk/~wjt/bustle/releases/bustle-0.1.tar.gz and
the source at git://git.collabora.co.uk/git/user/wjt/bustle.git .
Unfortunately, it's not on Hackage, as I haven't written the necessary
glue to get Cabal to compile the C executable, but I hope to have time
to work on getting Cabal to invoke make appropriately for the next release.



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