On 11/17/08 18:24, Daniel Yokomizo wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Maurí­cio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>      >  (...)  I don't recall where I found the following example, but
>     copied
>      > it locally as compelling evidence  that the functional solution
>     can be
>      > much clearer and  shorter than the same solution  modeled with
>     objects
>      > and inheritance.


>      > -- Arithmetic expression forms data Expr = Num Int | Add Expr Expr
>      >
>      > -- Evaluate expressions
>      > eval :: Expr -> Int
>      > (...)
>      > public abstract class Expr {
>      >    public abstract int eval ();
>      >    public abstract void modn(int v);


> when the first standard was set, and I can tell you for sure that, even > at that time, no one who knows at least the basics of C++ would ever
>     write that problem like this.

Mauri, I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean:

  1) No C++er would ever "structure" the problem like:

       -- Arithmetic expression forms
       data Expr = Num Int | Add Expr Expr

       -- Evaluate expressions
       eval :: Expr -> Int
       eval (Num i) = i
       eval (Add l r ) = eval l + eval r

     If so, then I'm unsure what you could mean since
     the closest counterpart to:

       date Expr = Num Int | Add Expr Expr

     in c++ is an abstract Expr class with derived
     classes, Int and Add, just as shown in Greg's Java counterpart to
     the haskell Expr.

  2) No C++er would every solve the problem with a heirarchy of Expr
     classes with virtual functions.

     If so, then I'm really confused because that's exactly the way I
     would do it *except* if I wanted to avoid the overhead of
     virtual function dispatch.  In this case, I would use template
     metaprogramming (WARNING: not for c++ template metaprogramming


     In the proto metaprogramming, AFAICT, the 1st element of the
     proto::expr template, the tag, corresponds to Expr constructor's,
     Num and Add, of Greg's haskell example code.  The | separating
     the Expr constructor variants corresponds to the proto::or_

     So, if template metaprogramming were used, then there are some
     very good c++ programmer which would structure their c++ code
     like the haskell code (although, as seen by the

     reference, it's "a bit obscured" by all the "scaffolding" needed
     to make it work).

     Another reference which *may* reflect the haskell structure is:


     I must admit I don't really understand it, but it seems to have
     some similarities to haskell's structure.  The author even uses
     haskell code to compare with his corresponding extension to
     c#. In particular, page 9 contains an example use of his proposed
     switch statement extension which looks very similar to the way
     haskell would pattern match on an expression to dispatch to the
     appropriate case.


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