On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 15:27 +0000, Thomas Schilling wrote:
> >        *Main> tryJust errorCalls $ print $ [] !! 23
> >        tryJust errorCalls $ print $ [] !! 23^JLeft Prelude.(!!):
> index
> >        too large
> >
> >        *Main> tryJust errorCalls $ print $ throw NonTermination
> >        tryJust errorCalls $ print $ throw NonTermination^J***
> >        Exception: <<loop>>
> It doesn't.  The last line is printed by GHCi.
> Note the missing "Exception: " in the first call.

!! uses error, so the first call shouldn't have "Exception: ."  It is
handled by tryJust and not rethrown.

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