On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:34 AM, Don Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to echo Jason's remarks earlier.
>    http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell_proposals/
> We've tried for a couple of years now to efficiently track 'wanted
> libraries' for the community, but never with much success.
> In particular, two approaches have been tried:
>    * a wiki page
>    * the 200{6,7,8} summer of code trac
> neither proved workable long term, likely because no one knew about
> them, they're harder to contribute to and other factors.
I think this is a wonderful initiative, but I can't shake the feeling
that reddit is the wrong forum for this. Since reddit is primarily a
news site it penalises old submissions and eventually moves them out
of the front page. I can't see how that behavior is good for our
purposes here. A project proposal that has a thousand upvotes
shouldn't be moved from the list just because the proposal itself is

If we want something that works in the long run we want something like
reddit but without the "aging" of old submissions. I don't know of any
such thing but there's bound to be one, this being the internet after


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