First thing I've tried when learning Ruby was something like that:

def a
  yield {puts 1}

a {yield}

It didn't work. Can Coroutine.hs do something like that?

On 18 Dec 2008, at 13:26, Ryan Ingram wrote:

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 2:00 AM, Nicolas Pouillard
<> wrote:
I don't see why one would need session types, channels... to express that. I maybe need a more complicated coroutines (ruby) example that would require
using this system.

OK, how would you type these routines in Haskell?

def simple
   yield "hello"
   yield 1
   yield (lambda { |x| x + 1 })

def useSimple
   state = 0
   result = nil
   simple { |x|
       if (state == 0) then result = x
       else if (state == 1) then result += (x * 4).toString
       else if (state == 2) then result +=
       state = state + 1

I know it's a bit contrived, but you get the idea.

In Haskell using Control.Coroutine:

simple :: forall rest. Session (String :!: Int :!: (Int -> Int) :!:
rest) rest ()
simple = do
   put "hello"
   put 1
   put (\x -> x + 1)

useSimple :: forall rest. Session (String :?: Int :?: (Int -> Int) :?:
rest) rest String
useSimple = do
   string <- get
   int <- get
   func <- get
   return (string ++ show (int * 4) ++ show (func 10))

result :: String
result = snd $ connects simple useSimple
-- result = "hello411"
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