dude .. you rock ... let me check it out ;^)


On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Antoine Latter <aslat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jan 1, 2009 11:50pm, "Galchin, Vasili" <vigalc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > it is a bioinformatics standard .. . I am writing on this newsgroup in
> order to try to be objective to get a "correct" and elegant answer .. in any
> case I am helping on the bioinformatics code (you can see on Hackage). I am
> trying to finish the 2Bit file format code ... it seems to me that
> bioinformatics as an area is not clearly defined .... e.g. it is unclear to
> me whether "offset" is a marshalled/serialized concept or or
> unmarshalled/unserialized concept ..... this distinction is very important
> .... I will have to think about more myself!
> >
> >
> > Regards, Vasili
> >
> Here's some code using Data.Binary to store data as offsets into a
> byte array.  I haven't tested it too much, so it may have bugs.  Maybe
> there's some inspiration in there.
> -Antoine
> >>>>
> import Data.Binary
> import Data.Binary.Get
> import Data.Binary.Put
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
> data TestStruct = TestStruct
>    { property1 :: ByteString
>    , property2 :: ByteString
>    , property3 :: ByteString
>    }
>  deriving Show
> {-
>  The serialized format looks like (all big-endian):
>  * first offset into data block (Word32)
>  * second offset into data block (Word32)
>  * third offset into data block (Word32)
>  * length of bnary data block (Word32)
>  * binary data block (Arbitrary binary data)
> -}
> instance Binary TestStruct where
>    put struct =
>        let data1 = property1 struct
>            data2 = property2 struct
>            data3 = property3 struct
>            dataBlock = data1 `B.append` data2 `B.append` data3
>            offset1 = 0
>            offset2 = offset1 + B.length data1
>            offset3 = offset2 + B.length data2
>       in do
>         putWord32be $ fromIntegral offset1
>         putWord32be $ fromIntegral offset2
>         putWord32be $ fromIntegral offset3
>         putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ B.length dataBlock
>         putLazyByteString dataBlock
>    get = do
>      offset1 <- getWord32be
>      offset2 <- getWord32be
>      offset3 <- getWord32be
>      dataBlockLength <- getWord32be
>      dataBlock <- B.drop (fromIntegral offset1) `fmap`
>                   getLazyByteString (fromIntegral dataBlockLength)
>      let (data1, rest1) =
>              B.splitAt (fromIntegral $ offset2 - offset1) dataBlock
>          (data2, rest2) =
>              B.splitAt (fromIntegral $ offset3 - offset2 - offset1) rest1
>          data3          = rest2
>      return $ TestStruct data1 data2 data3
> <<<<<
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