But how is this:
data SomeNum = forall a. SN a
different from:
data SomeNum = SN (forall a. a)

At a glance they look the same to me — but only the first is accepted by ghc.

Following the link you pointed in the last
message, I found this at

data T a = T1 (forall b. b -> b -> b) a

If I understand properly, it can be activated
with -XPolymorphicComponents. It's different
from my example, but I would like to know what
it does that this can't:

data T a = forall b. T1 (b->b->b) a

(The last one I think I understand well after the
previous message, although I see no use for this
particular form, since after pattern match there's
no other 'b' value to which we could aply that
function field.)

Link for convenience:



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