On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Jonathan Cast
<jonathancc...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Not really.  My company *advertises* for Haskell developers, and then
> when they come in to interview, informs them that the code base is
> actually written in Perl.  Works, too --- we have several Haskellers
> working here.  If all you care about is the quality of the developers,
> and not their productivity once you've got them, you don't actually need
> to let them use Haskell after the interview is over...

I saw this trick recently for a job advertised locally to me, in
Melbourne.  I was initially pretty excited that someone in this city
was actually advertising for Haskell programmers, until I realised
they needed to be good at Javascript and Perl so they could work on
their web apps.  Argh, I didn't bother applying.
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