On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 14:32 +0900, Benjamin L.Russell wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Feb 2009 00:15:48 +0000, Philippa Cowderoy
> <fli...@flippac.org> wrote:
> >[...]
> >
> >If you need to know how to use monads so you can do IO,
> >#haskell-in-depth isn't the place. On the other hand, if you want to
> >discuss how Haskell's monads compare to the category theory or what the
> >category theory can tell us about how individual monads relate to the
> >language as a whole, -in-depth is a good place! In particular, we're
> >hoping that the kind of category theory discussions that give the
> >mistaken impression you actually need to know CT will increasingly live
> >in #haskell-in-depth.
> >
> >We're not after a theory channel though - architectural discussion,
> >compiler implementation, possible type system extensions, library
> >design, all are good subjects.
> Great work!  I look forward to participating sometime in the near
> future.
> In that case, for people who need to know how to use monads so that
> they can do IO, why not create a #haskell-beginners channel?  I have
> occasionally read posts of some users who were hesitant to participate
> in #haskell until they learned enough to keep up with the discussions
> there.  If neither #haskell nor #haskell-in-depth is appropriate,
> perhaps they would feel more comfortable in a
> Haskell-beginners-specific channel?

Asking any Haskell-related question at any level is appropriate in
#haskell, now as always.

One of the implicit goals of the new channel is to minimize such
"intimidation."  The explicit goal of the new channel is to increase the
newbie friendliness of #haskell.

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