module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent

class Processor p where
  ready :: p b c → [b → c]

instance Processor (→) where
  ready = repeat

--instance Processor [b → c] where
  --ready = id

newtype FunList b c = FunList [b → c]

instance Processor FunList where
  ready (FunList fl) = fl

broadcast :: Processor p ⇒ p b c → [b] → [c]
broadcast p bs = bcast ps bs []
    ps = ready p
    bcast [] _  cs = cs
    bcast _  [] cs = cs
    bcast ps bs cs =
      let (cp,nps) = rotate [] ps
          (cb,nbs) = rotate [] bs in
      bcast nps nbs (cp cb:cs)

rotate :: [a] → [a] → (a,[a])
rotate os (x:[]) = (x,os)
rotate os (x:xs) = (x,xs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let pid = id
  let ppm = FunList [ (x +) | x ← [1..10] ]
  print $ broadcast ppm [1..10]


Thank you for your answer!

This comes close to solving the problem but in the last line of the above I
want to be able to say:

> print $ broadcast id [1..10]

> print $ broadcast [ (x +) | x ← [1..10] ] [1..10]

both need to be possible*.

So is there a way to make the FunList disappear completely?


P.S.: * broadcast is a dummy function, I need this for tidying up the
interface of a little experiment:

2009/2/13 Benedikt Huber <>

> Cetin Sert schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > class Processor a where
> >   ready :: (forall b c. a → [b → c])
> >
> > instance Processor (b → c) where
> >   ready = repeat
> > ...
> > -------------------------------
> > Why can I not declare the above instances and always get:
> Hi Cetin,
> in your class declaration you state that a (Processor T) provides a
> function
> > ready :: T -> [b -> c]
> so
> > ready (t::T)
> has type (forall b c. [b -> c]), a list of functions from arbitrary
> types b to c.
> The error messages tell you that e.g.
> > repeat (f :: t1 -> t2)
> has type
> > (t1->t2) -> [t1->t2]
> and not the required type
> > (t1->t2) -> [a -> b]
> With your declarations,
> > head (ready negate) "hi"
> has to typecheck, that's probably not what you want.
> > Is there a way around this?
> Maybe you meant
> > class Processor a where
> >   ready :: a b c -> [b -> c]
> > instance Processor (->) where
> >   ready = repeat
> > newtype FunList b c = FunList [b->c]
> > instance Processor FunList where
> >   ready (FunList fl) = fl
> I think the newtype FunList is neccessary here.
> benedikt
> >
> > message.hs:229:10:
> >     Couldn't match expected type `b' against inferred type `b1'
> >       `b' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >           the instance declaration at message.hs:228:20
> >       `b1' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >            the type signature for `ready' at message.hs:226:19
> >       Expected type: b -> c
> >       Inferred type: b1 -> c1
> >     In the expression: repeat
> >     In the definition of `ready': ready = repeat
> >
> > message.hs:229:10:
> >     Couldn't match expected type `c' against inferred type `c1'
> >       `c' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >           the instance declaration at message.hs:228:24
> >       `c1' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >            the type signature for `ready' at message.hs:226:21
> >       Expected type: b -> c
> >       Inferred type: b1 -> c1
> >     In the expression: repeat
> >     In the definition of `ready': ready = repeat
> >
> > message.hs:232:10:
> >     Couldn't match expected type `b1' against inferred type `b'
> >       `b1' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >            the type signature for `ready' at message.hs:226:19
> >       `b' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >           the instance declaration at message.hs:231:20
> >       Expected type: [b1 -> c]
> >       Inferred type: [b -> c1]
> >     In the expression: id
> >     In the definition of `ready': ready = id
> >
> > message.hs:232:10:
> >     Couldn't match expected type `c1' against inferred type `c'
> >       `c1' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >            the type signature for `ready' at message.hs:226:21
> >       `c' is a rigid type variable bound by
> >           the instance declaration at message.hs:231:24
> >       Expected type: [b -> c1]
> >       Inferred type: [b1 -> c]
> >     In the expression: id
> >     In the definition of `ready': ready = id
> >
> > Is there a way around this?
> >
> > Regards,
> > CS
> >
> >
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> >
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