Hello, communion people!

I have a little problem and ask for an advice. I'm trying to estimate the
performance speed of one pure function, but get some strange results.
import qualified module Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import module Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import module System.IO.Unsafe
import module System.Time
import module System.Random
import module Data.Char

clockTime2Tuple (TOD sec pic) = (sec, pic)
getClockTimeTuple = getClockTime >>= (\ x -> return $ clockTime2Tuple x)
subTimeTuples (s2,ps2) (s1,ps1) = let dps = ps2-ps1 in let (s,ps) =
(s2-s1-(if dps<0 then 1 else 0), if dps<0 then dps+(10^12) else dps) in (s,
(div) ps (10^6))

test_md5 test_input n = flip mapM test_input
        ( \ input_row -> do
                t1 <- getClockTimeTuple
                sequence_ (replicate n (return $ md5 input_row))
                t2 <- getClockTimeTuple 
                dt <- subTimeTuples t2 t1
                return (dt)

test_list = 
[ pack "Hello world!"] ++ 
[L8.replicate 1000000 ':']
The results are (iterations_count, microseconds):
(1000,  [105,105]) (+/- 10)
(10000, [1000,950]) (+/- 50)
(100000, [9050,9000]) (+/- 50)
(1000000, [89200,89150]) (+/- 100)
I suspect following problems, which make the results non-objective:
1. I cant get out of laziness
2. I don't turn off GHC internal optimizers
So, perhaps, GHC evaluates the MD5 once, but cycles on something else?.. For
now I can only guess. Could anybody, please clarify and maybe suggest
configuration, which would allow objective speed estimation?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
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