I know very little about profiling, but your comment about spending a lot of
time garbage collecting rang a bell with me - the example on RWH talks about
that exact issue. Thus, I would recommend walking through the profiling
techniques described on
http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/profiling-and-optimization.html .

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Phil <pbeadl...@mail2web.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the replies - I haven't had a chance to try out everything
> suggested yet - but your explanations of transformers nailed it for me.
> However, in terms of performance when stacking, I've come across something
> I'm struggling to explain - I was wondering if anyone could offer up and
> explanation.
> I've rewritten my code twice - one with 3 stacked monads, and one with 2
> stacked monads and a load of maps.  Heuristically I would have thought the
> 3
> stacked monads would have performed as well, or even better than the 2
> stacked solution, but the 2 stacked solution is MUCH faster and MUCH less
> memory is used.  They are both using 90% of the same code and both chain
> together the same number of computations using replicateM.  From profiling
> I
> can see that the pure function 'reflect' takes up most of the umph in both
> cases - which I'd expect.  But in the triple stacked version the garbage
> collector is using up >90% of the time.
> I've tried using BangPatterns to reduce memory usage in the Triple Stack
> version - doing this I can half the time it takes, but it is still running
> at over twice the time of the two stack version.  The BangPatterns were
> also
> put in Common Code in the reflect function - so I'd expect both solutions
> to
> need them?
> Even though both pieces of code are a bit untidy, the triple stacked monad
> 'feels' nicer to me - everything is encapsulated away and one evaluation in
> main yields the result.  From purely a design perspective I prefer it - but
> obviously not if it runs like a dog!
> Any ideas why the triple stack runs so slow?
> Thanks again!
> Phil
> ***************** Triple Stack Specific Impl:
> type MonteCarloStateT = StateT Double
> mc :: MonteCarloStateT BoxMullerQuasiState ()
> mc = StateT $ \s -> do nextNormal <- generateNormal
>                       let stochastic = 0.2*1*nextNormal
>                       let drift = 0.05 - (0.5*(0.2*0.2))*1
>                       let newStockSum = payOff 100 ( 100 * exp ( drift +
> stochastic ) ) + s
>                       return ((),newStockSum)
> iterations = 1000000
> main :: IO()
> main = do let sumOfPayOffs = evalState ( evalStateT ( execStateT (do
> replicateM_ iterations mc) $ 0 ) $ (Nothing,nextHalton) ) $ (1,[3,5])
>          let averagePO = sumOfPayOffs / fromIntegral iterations
>          let discountPO = averagePO * exp (-0.05)
>          print discountPO
> ***************** Double Stack and Map Specific Impl:
> iterations = 1000000
> main :: IO()
> main = do let normals = evalState ( evalStateT (do replicateM iterations
> generateNormal) $ (Nothing,nextHalton) ) $ (1,[3,5])
>          let stochastic = map (0.2*1*) normals
>          let sde = map ((( 0.05 - (0.5*(0.2*0.2)) )*1)+) stochastic
>          let expiryMult = map exp sde
>          let expiry = map (100*) expiryMult
>          let payoff = map (payOff 100) expiry
>          let averagePO = (foldr (+) 0 payoff) / fromIntegral iterations
>          let discountPO = averagePO * exp (-0.05)
>          print discountPO
> ***************** Common Code Used By Both Methods:
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Debug.Trace
> -- State Monad for QRNGs - stores current iteration and list of
> -- bases to compute
> type QuasiRandomState = State (Int,[Int])
> nextHalton :: QuasiRandomState [Double]
> nextHalton = do (n,bases) <- get
>                let !nextN = n+1
>            put (nextN,bases)
>            return $ map (reflect (n,1,0)) bases
> type ReflectionThreadState = (Int,Double,Double)
> reflect :: ReflectionThreadState -> Int -> Double
> reflect (k,f,h) base
>  | k <= 0 = h
>  | otherwise = reflect (newK,newF,newH) base
>      where
>        newK = k `div` base
>        newF = f / fromIntegral base
>        newH = h + fromIntegral(k `mod` base) * newF
> -- So we are defining a state transform which has state of 'maybe double'
> and an
> -- operating function for the inner monad of type QuasiRandomMonad
> returning
> a [Double]
> -- We then say that it wraps an QuasiRandomMonad (State Monad) - it must of
> course
> -- if we pass it a function that operates on these Monads we must wrap the
> same
> -- type of Monad.  And finally it returns a double
> type BoxMullerStateT = StateT (Maybe Double, QuasiRandomState [Double])
> type BoxMullerQuasiState = BoxMullerStateT QuasiRandomState
> generateNormal :: BoxMullerQuasiState Double
> generateNormal = StateT $ \s -> case s of
>                (Just d,qrnFunc) -> return (d,(Nothing,qrnFunc))
>                (Nothing,qrnFunc) -> do qrnBaseList <- qrnFunc
>                                    let (norm1,norm2) = boxMuller (head
> qrnBaseList) (head $ tail qrnBaseList)
>                                    return (norm1,(Just norm2,qrnFunc))
> boxMuller :: Double -> Double -> (Double,Double)
> -- boxMuller rn1 rn2 | trace ( "rn1 " ++ show rn1 ++ " rn2 " ++ show rn2 )
> False=undefined
> boxMuller rn1 rn2 = (normal1,normal2)
>  where
>    r        = sqrt ( (-2)*log rn1)
>    twoPiRn2 = 2 * pi * rn2
>    normal1  = r * cos ( twoPiRn2 )
>    normal2  = r * sin ( twoPiRn2 )
> payOff :: Double -> Double -> Double
> payOff strike stock | (stock - strike) > 0 = stock - strike
>                    | otherwise = 0
> On 28/02/2009 13:31, "Daniel Fischer" <daniel.is.fisc...@web.de> wrote:
> > Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2009 13:23 schrieb Phil:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>
> >> After some googling it looked like the answer may be Monad Transformers.
> >> Specifically we could add a StateT transform for our Box Muller state to
> >> our VanDerCorput State Monad.
> >> Google didn¹t yield a direct answer here ­ so I¹m not even sure if my
> >> thinking is correct, people describe the process of using a transform as
> >> Œwrapping one monad in another¹ or Œthreading one monad into another¹.
> >> What we want to do is have some internal state controlled by an
> independent
> >> outer state -  this sounds about right to me?
> >
> > If you absolutely don't want to have a state describing both, yes.
> >
> >>
> <SNIP>
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