Gleb Alexeyev wrote:
Here's my attempt though it's not really different from using built-in lists:

viewCL CatNil = Nothing
viewCL (Wrap a) = Just (a, CatNil)
viewCL (Cat a b) = case viewCL a of
                     Nothing -> viewCL b
                     Just (x, xs) -> Just (x, Cat xs b)

My solution was a refinement on this.

    split = go id
        go _ Nil          = Nothing
        go k (Wrap a)     = Just (a, k Nil)
        go k (xs :++: ys) = case go ((ys :++:) . k) xs of
                                 Nothing -> go k ys
                                 view    -> view

The trick is in the CPS instead of the direct approach of the original. In the original, if you have a strongly left-branching tree then you need to break the whole spine and you end up constructing another strongly left-branching spine. In this version we construct a right-branching spine instead, which allows future calls to be faster.

*Main> inL[1..5]
(((Wrap 1 :++: Wrap 2) :++: Wrap 3) :++: Wrap 4) :++: Wrap 5

*Main> viewCL $ inL[1..5]
Just (1,(((Nil :++: Wrap 2) :++: Wrap 3) :++: Wrap 4) :++: Wrap 5)

*Main> split $ inL[1..5]
Just (1,Wrap 2 :++: (Wrap 3 :++: (Wrap 4 :++: Wrap 5)))

Live well,
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