BTW, how did you get the package installed in that location? Did it
involve copying into a temp dir and copying again? I believe that on
OSX, copying a .a file breaks the ar index. This is because for reasons
best known to themselves Apple decided that the index is only valid if
its timestamp is the same as the last modification time of the file.

OK -- what I did was rather drastic -- I got ar as a part of cctools off Apple's Open Source and verified that it didn't run ranlib on my Leopard 10.5. However it turns out it's supposed to do so -- folks from MacPorts even got a flag -S to make it *not* tun ranlib... Yet they're on PPC, and I'm on Intel (MBP).

So what I ended up doing is patching Apple's ar as described in that MacPorts thread:

Why ar doesn't call ranlib on Mac?

And after that, cabal-install did like a charm.

I know some folks say that they don't need to run ranlib on their Macs, and some do, and I could have wrapped it in sh-wrappers and investigate it forever, but this issue has re-ar-ed its head often enough that I'm happy with just fetching the li'l slimy ar out of its source soup and fixing it in the bud.


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