2009/3/13 Marcin Kosiba <marcin.kos...@gmail.com>:
> Threading the state is not the problem. Maybe this will help:
> what I have now:
> fsm world state = case state of
>  first ->
>    do_stuff_one
>    (move_up, succ state)
>  second ->
>    do_stuff_two
>    (move_left, succ state)
>  third ->
>     do_stuff_three
>     (move_right, first)
> what I'd want to have is to say:
> fsm world state = do
>  do_stuff_one
>  yield move_up
>  do_stuff_two
>  yield move_left
>  do_stuff_three
>  yield move_right
>  fsm world state
> and have it "translated" to:
> fsm world state =
>  do_stuff_one
>  (move_up, \world' state' ->
>    do_stuff_two
>      (move_left, \world'' state'' ->
>         do_stuff_three
>           (move_right, fsm world'' state'')

Do you really need yield? Most of the time, you should be able to
implement move_up and the rest directly using bits of the run

But assuming you do need yield, you probably want a resumption monad.
Here's a variant of an implementation I've worked with recently.

data Thunk r m a = Val a | Suspend r (m (Thunk r m a))

newtype Suspend r m a = C { unC :: forall b. (a -> m (Thunk r m a)) ->
m (Thunk r m a) }

instance Monad (Suspend r m) where
    return a = C (\k -> k a)
    m >>= f = C (\k -> unC m (\a -> unC (f a) k))

instance MonadTrans (Suspend r) where
    lift m = C (\k -> m >>= k)

suspend :: Monad m => r -> Suspend r m ()
suspend r = C (\k -> return $ Suspend r (k ()))

run :: Monad m => Suspend r m a -> m (Thunk r m a)
run m = unC m (return . Val)

These laws should give an idea of how it works:

run (return a) = return (Val a)
run (lift m >>= f) = m >>= \a -> run (f a)
run (suspend r >> m) = return (Suspend r (run m))

There's also a function that undoes run, although you shouldn't need it.

enter :: Monad m => Thunk r m a -> Suspend r m a
enter (Val a) = return a
enter (Suspend r m) = suspend r >> lift m >>= enter

Dave Menendez <d...@zednenem.com>
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