Henning Thielemann <lemm...@henning-thielemann.de> wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Benjamin L.Russell wrote:
> > Why not ask new users to identify letters in a random bitmapped
> > image of a string, as is commonly done?
> I assume, because those images are
>   1) not accessible by blind people
>   2) can be decoded by spammers, since they know how the images are 
> generated by common software.
>   Thus my suggestion was a simple Haskell specific question, which
> cannot be answered by stupid spambots.
http://recaptcha.net is believed to be spam-proof, and there's good
reasons to believe so, see http://recaptcha.net/security.html : It
starts off with text that can't be OCR'd, in the first place. It also
features an audio mode for accessibility.

Question-based captchas provide security by rarity. You can be sure that
if a spammer really, really wants to spam on the wiki, it won't take
long before a program is written that memoises all questions and

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