I finally got around to making my code for random Go playouts available. Here it is:


Cool!-) To reciprocate, I've temporarily put a snapshot of my code here:

I've not yet decided whether to be depressed or encouraged by the
timings;-) without mercy rule, your code simulates at about 17k/s runs
here, vs only about 3k/s for mine. There are some obvious aspects, such as hardcoding the boardsize isn't quite as straightforward when GTP
allows to change it at runtime, but I don't think that explains the bulk
of the difference. I do hope there are lots of small things to learn (perhaps
you could summarize your findings in a performance tips paper?-), but
at first glance, I suspect the difference in approach: my early experiments
suggested that maintaining chains/strings wasn't going to be more efficient
than following the affected parts of strings when needed - but I didn't
think of representing strings as cyclicly referenced lists (which allows
for string merge in constant instead of linear time). Nice idea!-)


If someone were to make a nice library API on top of this and upload it to hackage, I'd be delighted. Hack away.

A GTP interface would be useful, to allow playing against other bots.


Simon Marlow wrote:
Claus Reinke wrote:
Do you have an example of a mutable state/ IO bound application, like,
hmm, a window manager or a revision control system or a file system...?

If you're looking for a challenge, how about this one (there used to
be lots of Haskellers into this game, any of you still around?-):


[ catching up with old haskell-cafe email ]

Interestingly, I did this a while ago.  Here's my results:

$ ./Bench 1 100000
b: 14840, w: 17143 mercy: 67982
elapsed time: 3.42s
playouts/sec: 29208

so, nearly 30k/sec random playouts on 9x9. That's using a hack that stops the game when the score is heavily in favour of one player, it drops to around 20k/sec with that turned off.

Not bad, but probably I'd guess an order of magnitude worse than you can do in tightly-coded C. The Haskell implementation isn't nice, as you predicted. Also the code is derived from some non-free internal MS code, so unfortunately I can't share it (but I could perhaps extract the free bits if anyone is really interested).

W wins slightly more often I think because komi 5.5 on a 9x9 board is a tad high.

It does parallelise too, of course:

$ ./Bench 8 100000 +RTS -N8
b: 14872, w: 17488 mercy: 67584
elapsed time: 1.00s
playouts/sec: 99908

though still room for improvement there.


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