On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Tom.Amundsen <tomamund...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I am new to Haskell. I just started reading "Real World Haskell" a few days
ago, so I apologize for being such a noob.

But, I am curious why I see a lot of code where people do pattern matching
via multiple function declarations instead of using the case ... of ...
construct? For example:

foldl' _    zero []     = zero
foldl' step zero (x:xs) =
     let new = step zero x
     in  new `seq` foldl' step new xs

instead of this, which I prefer:

foldl' f acc xs = case xs of
                           [] -> acc
                           (x:xs) -> let new = f acc x
                                         in  new `seq` foldl' f new xs

Personally, I prefer the former for several reasons: it has less syntax (no 
case...of...->...-> stuff), it's easier to manipulate textually, it's less 
indented, and it's somewhat mentally easier to follow, since case feels imperative 
and step-by-step.

Might as well ask why people prefer guard syntax to nesting if-then-elses; 
sure, they may be converted into the same code under the hood and be equivalent 
in power, but one scales better (in terms of clarity).


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