On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Luke Palmer <lrpal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Gü?nther Schmidt <gue.schm...@web.de>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> let say I got an unordered lazy list of key/value pairs like
>> [('a', 99), ('x', 42), ('a', 33) ... ]
>> and I need to sum up all the values with the same keys.
>> So far I wrote a naive implementation, using Data.Map, foldl and
>> insertWith.
>> The result of this grouping operation, which is effectively another list
>> of key/value pairs, just sums this time, needs to be further processed.
>> The building of this map is of course a bottleneck, the successive
>> processing needs to wait until the entire list is eventually consumed
>> the Map is built and flattened again.
>> Is there another way of doing this, something more "streaming
>> architecture" like?
> Yeah, make a trie.  Here's a quick example.
> import Data.Monoid
> newtype IntTrie a = IntTrie [a]
> singleton :: (Monoid a) => Int -> a -> IntTrie a
> singleton ch x = IntTrie [ if fromIntegral ch == i then x else mempty | i
> <- [0..] ]

This definition of singleton unnecessarily leaks memory in some cases.
Here's a better one:

singleton ch x = IntTrie $ replicate ch mempty ++ [x] ++ repeat mempty


> lookupTrie :: IntTrie a -> Int -> a
> lookupTrie (IntTrie xs) n = xs !! n
> instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (IntTrie a) where
>     mempty = IntTrie (repeat mempty)
>     mappend (IntTrie xs) (IntTrie ys) = IntTrie (infZipWith mappend xs ys)
> infZipWith f ~(x:xs) ~(y:ys) = f x y : infZipWith f xs ys
> test = mconcat [ singleton (n `mod` 42) [n] | n <- [0..] ] `lookupTrie` 10
> This is an inefficient way to find the class of n such that n mod 42 = 10.
> Note that it works on an infinite list of inputs.
> Here the "trie" was a simple list, but you could replace it with a more
> advanced data structure for better performace.
> Luke
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