If you have a type that requires a format string, the proper place to pass that string in is not the toSElem method. Rather, one should construct a ToSElem instance that wraps the item in an (STSH . STShow) constructor. The item itself then should be made an instance of StringTemplateShows, with an appropriate stringTemplateFormattedShow method. It's a bit of plumbing, I'll grant, but allows for setting the format where it should be -- in the template itself.

If, on the other hand, you simply want to apply the locale to the attribute as you pass it in to the template, then you can just pack them together in a tuple or a record, and write a ToSElem instance for that.


On Mar 27, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Kemps-Benedix Torsten wrote:


the toSElem function of ToSElem does not take a parameter that allows specification of e.g. the locale that shall be used for rendering a specific attribute. If one wants to change this, one also has to change setAttribute and the like. Do you have any plans to extend HStringTemplate in this way?

Schöne Grüße

Torsten Kemps-Benedix

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