Thanks for the massive update! Is there a new version of Orchid coming along?

On 3/22/09, Sebastiaan Visser <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am pleased to announce a new version of Salvia, the lightweight
> Haskell Web Server Framework with modular support for serving static
> files, directories indices, default error responses, connection
> counting and logging, HEAD and PUT requests, keep-alives, custom
> banner printing, default handler environments for parsing request and
> printing responses, dispatching based on request methods, URI, paths
> and filename extension, URI rewriting and redirection, virtual
> hosting, cookie, session and user management and more...
> Changes since previous version:
> - Some more advanced, non-fundamental handlers have been moved to
> their own package salvia-extras. This helps pruning the dependencies a
> bit.
> - The package now has some default handler environments that simplify
> setting up a server application.
> - The server now has support for keep-alive, significantly increasing
> the performance.
> - The library functions are now almost fully documented instead of no-
> documentation-at-all in the previous versions.
> - Salvia now also works on windows (I heard).
> - Lots of code cleanups throughout the code.
> - Lots of minor bug fixes.
> To install: use cabal.
> Thanks to the people that helped me with suggestions and bug-reports!
> --
> Sebastiaan.
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