Thomas Hartman wrote:
I was playing with Text.XHtml.Table but couldn't use it to output tables.

( cell . toHtml $ " a " ) `beside` (cell . toHtml $ " b " )
a  b </tr

already seems wrong -- should be two cells, right? And the result
doesn't get embedded in a table tag?

'cell' is not a TD element, it's an abstraction used to manage cells and deal with arbitrary numbers of rows and columns. You won't normally use 'cell' directly, but it gets used when laying out a table.

Here's a simple two-cell table:

table << (td << " a ") `beside` (td << " b ")


Note that 'beside' has an infix version, <->. 'above' also has an infix version, </>. So here's a 2x2 table:

table << (td << "a" <-> td << "b"
      </> td << "c" <-> td << "d")

(I haven't included the HTML output, but it works.)

To see what 'cell' does, we can create a table with cell widths and heights other than 1. In GHCi:

let twoDown = (td << "a" </> td << "b")
let threeAcross = (td << "d" <-> td << "e" <-> td << "f")
let threeDown = (td << "g" </> td << "h" </> td << "i")
let oneTopTwoBottom = (td << "j" </> td << "k" <-> td << "l")
table << (twoDown <-> threeAcross <-> threeDown <-> oneTopTwoBottom)

The 'cell' function doesn't get called explicitly above, but it gets used internally. Try it, the results are fairly self-explanatory.


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