On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Vlad Dogaru <ddv...@anaconda.cs.pub.ro> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am writing to judge interest in a Summer of Code proposition: an XML
> Schema[1] implementation, described as a possbile application here[2].
> As both a tool and an inspiration, I intend to use HaXML[3].
> More specifically, I would be interested in the degree the Haskell
> community uses XML Schema, and if you were tempted to use it if we had
> an implementation. To further expand the question, how useful do you
> consider each of these components:
>  * a validator
>  * a pretty-printer
>  * a translator from XML Schema to Haskell, similar to DtdToHaskell[4]

A RelaxNG <-> XML Schema translator would be very useful.
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