Don Stewart:
Is there a Mac OSX packaging team?

Unfortunately, it's not just a packaging problem. (Well, packing of Haskell libraries, that is.)

There are two version of GTK+ Mac OS X: (1) the MacPorts version and (2) a native GTK+ framework.

Unfortunately, both are not satisfactory. The MacPorts version is based on X windows, which is supported on Macs right out of the box, but to be honest, X programs on the Mac are ugly and annoying. Moreover, whether the MacPorts version builds at all seems to be a matter of luck - I have been out of luck more than once. MacPorts is also pretty useless once you want to distribute your GTK-GUI programs to other Mac users.

The native GTK+ framework is a port of GTK+ to the native Mac GUI and dead easy to install (it has a binary installer). Unfortunately, it lacks many of GTK+'s optional components (most notably libglade). It is however in beta right now, so we can only hope that there will be more of the optional components in the final version.



On Mar 31, 2009, at 7:40 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

I am pleased to announce the release of vacuum-cairo, a Haskell
for interactive rendering and display of values on the GHC heap using
Matt Morrow's vacuum library.

Awesome! I want to try this.

I have problems though installing it on an Intel MacBook running

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.1

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version 0.6.2
using version of the Cabal library

$ ghc-pkg list gtk

I have installed gtk2hs using the instructions at

A simple cabal update; cabal install vacuum-cairo gives me:

$ cabal install vacuum-cairo
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure vacuum-cairo-0.3.1. It requires svgcairo -any
There is no available version of svgcairo that satisfies -any

I have installed libsvg-cairo using MacPorts and it seems installed in

$ ls /opt/local/lib/libsvg-cairo.*

But cabal-install still gives the same error. Even with --extra-lib- dirs

$ cabal install --extra-lib-dirs=/opt/local/lib/ vacuum-cairo
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure vacuum-cairo-0.3.1. It requires svgcairo -any
There is no available version of svgcairo that satisfies -any

Hence, I downloaded the tarball and tried to use this instead to install vacuum-cairo, which lead to another problem: I cannot install the vacuum package because of a dependencies conflict due to the package ghc-6.10.1
requiring two different versions of process:

$ cabal install vacuum
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: dependencies conflict: ghc-6.10.1 requires process ==
process- was excluded because ghc-6.10.1 requires process


Any ideas on how to get this cool package installed?

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