Manlio Perillo wrote:
By the way, about insertWith/alter; from IntMap documentation:

insertWithKey: O(min(n,W)
alter: O(log n)

So, alter is more efficient than insertWithKey?
And what is that `W` ?

As Claus says it's the maximum (value of Int; number of keys). It's in an easily overlooked comment at the top of the IntMap page, last I checked.

As for which is faster, it depends. The O(min(n,W)) stuff is effectively linear because n can't exceed W (what would you use for the key?), but it's a smart linear that rivals O(log n). Because the values of n are so small, what really matters here are the constant factors not the asymptotic complexity. Also it depends a lot on what operations you really need.

If you're interested in the details, I highly recommend Okasaki&Gill's paper[1] where they introduce IntMap. It's eminently readable and gives comparative numbers to other datastructures for all the basic operations.


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