I also suspect that manyTill is a really bad choice, since it doesn't give you anything until the end token. It would be much better if you could rewrite your parser in terms of many and many1.


On Apr 2, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:

2009/4/2 <lu...@die.net.au>
I'm relatively new to haskell so as one does, I am rewriting an
existing program in haskell to help learn the language.

However, it eats up all my RAM whenever I run the program.


Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but without my magical FP pants I
don't know what that might be.

(1) You are using plain Strings. Those things are like 8 bytes per character (or something, someone more knowledgeable can give a more accurate figure). Use bytestrings (with bytestring-utf8 if you need it) instead.

(2) You are parsing strictly, meaning you have to read the whole input file before anything can be output. This may be necessary for your application, but Haskell is very strong with streaming applications. Change to a lazy parser and you will run in constant memory.

(I don't know offhand of any lazy parsing libraries, but I've heard them discussed before, so they're somewhere)


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