On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Kannan Goundan <kan...@cakoose.com> wrote:
> I'm writing a parser with Parsec.  In the input language, elements of a 
> sequence
> are separated by commas:
>   [1, 2, 3]
> However, instead of a comma, you can also use an EOL:
>  [1, 2
>  3]
> Anywhere else, EOL is considered ignorable whitespace.  So it's not as simple 
> as
> just making EOL a token and looking for (comma | eol).

Untested, but hopefully enough so you get an idea of where to start:

> -- End of line parser.  Consumes the carriage return, if present.
> eol :: Parser ()
> eol = eof <|> char '\n'

> -- list-element separator.
> listSep :: Parser ()
> listSep = eol <|> (char ',' >> spaces)

> -- list parser.  The list may be empty - denoted by "[]"
> myListOf :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
> myListOf p =
>      char '[' >>
>      sepBy p listSep >>= \vals ->
>      char ']' >>
>      return vals

This would probably be better off with a custom version of the
'spaces' parser that didn't parse newlines.

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