I am pleased to announce a new release of network-bytestring, a Haskell library
for fast socket I/O using ByteStrings.

New in this release is support for scatter/gather I/O (also known as
vectored I/O). Scatter/gather I/O provides more efficient I/O by using
one system call to send several separate pieces of data and by
avoiding unnecessary copying.

I would like to thank Brian Lewis, Bryan O'Sullivan, and Thomas
Schilling for contributing patches for this release.

Get it:

   cabal install network-bytestring

And on Hackage:


Windows hackers needed:

   I've made sure that the library builds on Windows but since I don't
use Windows myself I haven't implemented scatter/gather I/O support
for Windows. It should be straightforward to add and I'd be happy to
review the patches.


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