Hi Daniel,

Thanks, but apparently no go.

This isn't critical, as I already have a function that will combine two 



[mich...@localhost untitled folder]$ cd utility-ht-0.0.4
[mich...@localhost utility-ht-0.0.4]$ ls
LICENSE  Setup.lhs  src  utility-ht.cabal
[mich...@localhost utility-ht-0.0.4]$ ./Setup.lhs configure --hugs
/usr/bin/env: runhaskell: No such file or directory      --OOPS!
[mich...@localhost utility-ht-0.0.4]$ su
[r...@localhost utility-ht-0.0.4]# ./Setup.lhs configure --hugs
/usr/bin/env: runhaskell: No such file or directory
[r...@localhost utility-ht-0.0.4]# 

--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fisc...@web.de> wrote:

From: Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fisc...@web.de>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Combining sequences
To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Cc: "michael rice" <nowg...@yahoo.com>
 Monday, April 6, 2009, 12:04 PM

Am Montag 06 April 2009 17:12:42 schrieb michael rice:
> I downloaded it and it appears more complicated than just adding files to a
> directory. There's a setup and a build, and no assurances it will work with
> Hugs.
> I think I'll wait for more information.
> Michael
Try installing it with Cabal:

./Setup.lhs configure --hugs

if that doesn't say otherwise, chances are that it will work, so try

./Setup.lhs build
sudo ./Setup.lhs install

If it doesn't work, you can copy the code from Data.List.HT

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