Robert Greayer <> writes:

> Xiao-Yong Jin <> wrote:
>> Edward Kmett <> writes:
>> > I find a hard 80 character line length limit to be
>> > somewhat ridiculous in this
>> > day and age. I've long since revised my personal
>> > rule of thumb upwards towards
>> > 132, if only because I can still show two windows of
>> > that side by side with no
>> > worries, along with all the IDE browsing baggage, even
>> > on a fairly crippled
>> > laptop, and I've been able to have 132 columns
>> > since I picked up my first
>> > vt220 terminal in 1984 or so.
>> >  
>> I prefer 3 coding windows side by side.  And being able to
>> read one line at a glance is a huge advantage.  The size of
>> my urxvt is 80x77 FYI.
> But the discussion is about a coding standard -- surely if I claimed to like 
> to have 4 windows side by side, that wouldn't be a good reason to reduce the 
> standard to 40 columns?  Being able to read one line 'at a glance' seems to 
> me to be improved if that line contains the complete equation, rather than 
> just a fragment.  Comprehension of a group of related equations can be 
> improved if they all fit on one screen (vertically).  Some code that I've 
> written is intended to look like (and function as) rewrite rules  and looks 
> vastly better with pattern and replacement all on the same line.  All the 
> arguments can cut both ways -- for those who like coding with windows side by 
> side, what about those who like coding with one window above another? Coding 
> style is very situational, but the 80 character standard came about due to a 
> once-ubiquitous device limitation (which no longer exists).

It's probably just a personal taste.  My argument is just
that I prefer moving my eyes vertically to horizontally.
And I like that most news papers do that for me.  And I'm
grateful that most people on the mailing list write emails
with proper line wrap as well.

> The *real* purpose of a coding standard, of course, is to give people 
> something to argue over when they could be actually doing something more 
> productive.  So in the end, it's all good, I suppose.

Right.  We should do something more productive than debating
over such a useless concept related to personal taste.
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