I think

import Prelude hiding ((>>))

does that.


On Apr 22, 2009, at 11:44 AM, michael rice wrote:

I've been working through this example from: 

I understand what they're doing all the way up to the definition of (>>), which duplicates Prelude function (>>). To continue following the example, I need to know how to override the Prelude (>>) with the (>>) definition in my file rand.hs.



[mich...@localhost ~]$ cat rand.hs
import System.Random

type Seed = Int

randomNext :: Seed -> Seed
randomNext rand = if newRand > 0 then newRand else newRand + 2147483647
    where newRand = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi
          (hi,lo) = rand `divMod` 127773

toDieRoll :: Seed -> Int
toDieRoll seed = (seed `mod` 6) + 1

rollDie :: Seed -> (Int, Seed)
rollDie seed = ((seed `mod` 6) + 1, randomNext seed)

sumTwoDice :: Seed -> (Int, Seed)
sumTwoDice seed0 =
  let (die1, seed1) = rollDie seed0
      (die2, seed2) = rollDie seed1
  in (die1 + die2, seed2)

(>>) m n = \seed0 ->
  let (result1, seed1) = m seed0
      (result2, seed2) = n seed1
  in (result2, seed2)

[mich...@localhost ~]$

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