Am Sonntag 26 April 2009 04:38:42 schrieb Jason Dusek:
> > As always, opinions on aesthetics differ slightly, but
> > overall, everyone seems to mostly agree...
>   Eh? Since when did they mostly agree? The 200 column example
>   we've seen brought out a lot of disagreement.

Well, to be picky, Bob (Thomas Davie) wrote:

> > As always, opinions on aesthetics differ  
> > slightly, but overall, everyone seems to mostly agree that we should  
> > try to keep lines short where possible, but lengthen then when needed.

And the disagreement is about whether it's needed to lengthen such lines.

While I can easily imagine the need for 100-character lines to improve 
readability, 200 is 
way beyond my imagination :)
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