Most enlightening, thanks.

The same effect can be seen with Debug.Trace.trace around the two versions of f.

I suppose this means that the points-free/pattern binding-style
version is a bit less work for ghc to execute (fewer reductions),
whereas the version with lambda bound variables is easier to debug.

On balance, I think I'll frequently write my functions with lambda
bound variables then.

Getting better use out of the ghc debugger seems worth the few extra cycles.

2009/4/26 Bernie Pope <>:
> 2009/4/25 Thomas Hartman <>
>> In the program below, can someone explain the following debugger output to
>> me?
>>  After :continue, shouldn't I hit the f  breakpoint two more times?
>>  Why do I only hit the f breakpoint once?
>>  Is this a problem in the debugger?
>> thart...@ubuntu:~/haskell-learning/debugger>cat debugger.hs
>> -- try this:
>> -- ghci debugger.hs
>> -- > :break f
>> -- > :trace t
>> -- > :history -- should show you that f was called from h
>> t = h . g . f $ "hey!"
>> t2 = h . g . f $ "heh!"
>> t3 = h . g . f $ "wey!"
>> f = ("f -- " ++)
>> g = ("g -- " ++)
>> h = ("h -- " ++)
>> ts = do
>>  putStrLn $ t
>>  putStrLn $ t2
>>  putStrLn $ t3
> What you are observing is really an artifact of the way breakpoints are
> attached to definitions in the debugger, and the way that GHCi evaluates
> code.
> f is clearly a function, but its definition style is a so-called "pattern
> binding". The body contains no free (lambda bound) variables, so it is also
> a constant. GHCi arranges for f to be evaluated at most once. The breakpoint
> associated with the definition of f is fired if and when that evaluation
> takes place. Thus, in your case it fires exactly once.
> You can re-write f to use a so-called "function binding" instead, by
> eta-expansion (introduce a new fresh variable, and apply the function to it
> on both sides):
>    f x = ("f -- " ++) x
> This denotes the same function, but the breakpoint on f works differently.
> In this case, a breakpoint attached to f will fire whenever an application
> of f is reduced. If you write it this way you will see that the program
> stops three times instead of one.
> You might ask: if both definitions denote the same function, why does the
> debugger behave differently? The short answer is that the debugger in GHCi
> is an operational debugger, so it exposes some of the operational details
> which may be invisible in a denotational semantics. In this case it revels
> that GHCi treats the two definitions of f differently.
> Cheers,
> Bernie.
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