I've got one of those algorithms which "threatens to march off the right edge" (in the words of Goerzen et al). I need something like a State or Maybe monad, but this is inside the IO monad. So I presume I need StateT or MaybeT. However, I'm still (slowly) learning about monads from first principles. I thought I might present my code and get some pointers... maybe someone could actually show me how to rewrite it, which would be a neat way to see MaybeT and StateT in action. I'm hoping to get anything from a one-line response to a rewrite of my code. Anything will help.

Here's the program:


 This is a program which starts with a document containing "notes"
 about software requirements (in a particular format) and puts them
 into a database. Notes include details such as the "source" of the
 requirement (who gave it), the topic(s) to which it pertains, the
 date, etc.

 I have written a parser to take a text document typed up by me during a
 meeting and parse it into a NoteRecord structure. Here is the


data NoteRecord = NoteRecord {
      recordSource :: String,       -- Name of person who gave req.
      recordDate :: [Int],          -- Date in [<year>,<month>,<date>]
      recordSourceType :: String,   -- "meeting", "phone", "email", etc.
      recordBugNum :: Maybe Int,    -- Bugzilla # (if relevant)
      recordTopics :: [String],     -- list of official topics pertaining
      recordText :: String }        -- the text of the note itself
                deriving (Show)


 One other wrinkle. The source (person name) and topic must be one
 of a set of pre-determined strings. A person has an official full name
 which is stored in the database. Topics also have official descriptive
 strings. If I wasn't clever, then the note, as I type it up,
 must have the exact name and topic. But I hate trying to remember things
 like that. So I have implemented a "fuzzy string match" system so
 that I can type part of someone's name (or even misspell it) or part of
 a topic string, and the system will find the best match to an official

 In pseudocode, the function to insert a note in the database must do this:

 This function starts with a NoteRecord.
  - If text already exists in the database, give an error and skip to end.
  - Fuzzy-match strings to topics and source.
  - If no potential match can be found to some of topics or source,
    give error and skip to end.
  - Ask user to confirm if the matched topics and source look okay.
       - if user says no, skip to end.
  - Actually insert the record.
insertNote :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> IO ()
insertNote nr conn =
    do -- Check if it exists in the database already.
       status <- checkPreExistingText nr conn
       if status
         then putStrLn "Skipping... text exists already."
           do -- Find best fit for all topics and source.
              -- See type signatures below.
              bestFitTopics <- fitTopics nr conn
              bestFitSource <- fitSource nr conn
              case any isNothing bestFitTopics of
                True ->
                    putStrLn "Error... some topic couldn't be matched."
                False ->
                    case bestFitSource of
                      Nothing ->
                          putStrLn "Error.. source couldn't be matched."
                      _ ->
                          do b <- isUserOkay nr bestFitTopics bestFitSource
                             if b
                                then do
                                  -- Create a new NoteRecord with matched
                                  -- and validated topics/source.
                                  nrValidated =
                                      nr { recordTopics = bestFitTopics
                                         , recordSource = bestFitSource }
                                  insertRow nrValidated conn
                                else putStrLn "Abort due to user request."

checkPreExistingText :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> Bool

-- There are multiple topics in the NoteRecord. For each one,
-- find the best fuzzy match, or indicate if there is no plausible
-- match at all.
fitTopics :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> [Maybe String]

-- There is one source. Try to find fuzzy match.
fitSource :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> Maybe String

-- Present user with all fuzzy matches and get a yes/no response if it's
-- okay to proceed.
isUserOkay :: NoteRecord -> [Maybe String] -> Maybe String -> Bool

-- Do actual insert into database.
insertRow :: NoteRecord -> Connection -> IO ()
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