Or overloading the `whitespace operator' for several kinds of application.

On May 28, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Augustsson, Lennart wrote:
And explicit desugaring of list syntax.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sittampalam, Ganesh [mailto:ganesh.sittampa...@credit- suisse.com]
Sent: 28 May 2009 08:46
To: Simon Peyton-Jones; Sebastiaan Visser; Haskell Cafe
Cc: Augustsson, Lennart
Subject: RE: [Haskell-cafe] Bool as type class to serve EDSLs.

There are multiple possible classes that you might want under different
circumstances (I think the most interesting issue is whether the class
(==), (>) etc is in has a fundep from the type of the thing being
compared to the type of the boolean), but if NoImplicitPrelude (or some
other extension) just desugars if-then-else into ifthenelse (with a
default implementation of ifthenelse somewhere) I think that would be

Of course once you've got ifthenelse you find yourself wanting explicit
desugaring of pattern matching (could view patterns help here?),
recursion (into an explicit use of fix), etc...



Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
You are absolutely right about the tantalising opportunity.
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