Dear Doaitse,

It is my pleasure to announce that after 5 days of experimenting with uu-parsinglib I have absolutely no clue, whatsoever, on how to use it.


I do not even manage to write a parser for even a mere digit or a simple character. I have read the tutorial from a to a to z and from z to a and there were a few words I recognized.

I mean I'd like to be able to turn "12.05.2009" into something like (12, 5, 2009) and got no clue what the code would have to look like. I do know almost every variation what the code must not look like :).

I am guessing here that when one does define a parsing function, since all the parser combinators aren't function but methods, one *must* also provide a type signature so that the compiler knows the actual *instance* method?


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