2009/6/15 Paul Chiusano <paul.chius...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I was recently trying to figure out if there was a way, at runtime, to do
> better strictness analysis for polymorphic HOFs, for which the strictness of
> some arguments might depend on the strictness of the strictness of function
> types that are passed as arguments [1]. As an example, consider foldl. The
> 'seed' parameter of foldl can be made strict as long as the binary function
> used for the fold is strict in its arguments. Unfortunately, because
> strictness analysis is done statically, Haskell can't assume anything about
> the strictness of the binary function - assuming we only compile one
> instance of foldl, it must be the most conservative version possible, and
> that means making the seed parameter lazy. :-(
> I started thinking about ways you could to a check at runtime for this sort
> of thing, something to the effect of asking foldl, before heap-allocating a
> thunk for the seed parameter, whether that parameter could be made strict.
> foldl could then inspect other arguments that have been supplied, and based
> on these arguments, evaluate or go ahead with creating a thunk the seed
> parameter. It's a runtime cost, sure, but would it be more than the cost of
> having to do an additional heap allocation? In any case a small runtime cost
> might be worth it if the analysis becomes more uniform.
> So, my question is: does doing this sort of runtime analysis seem like a
> horrible idea? Is it even possible? Has anyone tried this in the past? (So
> far I haven't found anything, but would love references if people have
> them.)
> Note that I'm not suggesting Haskell should do anything like this. I'm
> playing around with the ideas because I'm interesting in creating a lazy
> language and I was hoping to have strictness analysis be very predictable
> and uniform, something the programmer can count on and use to simply reason
> about space usage ... which might be hopelessly unrealistic goal! I guess
> the more general question is - is "perfect" strictness analysis (however
> that is defined) possible, if we're willing to incur some runtime cost? What
> would that look like?

The idea looks cool, but perfect strictness analysis is not possible,
t.i. the problem of determining whether f _|_ = _|_ is undecidable,
since it is a non-trivial property of f (there exist f's for which it
is true, and ones for which it is false) and non-trivial properties
are undecidable, thanks to Rice theorem.

> Best,
> Paul
> [1]:
> More background on my thinking here - a bit half-baked, so bear with me!
>   http://pchiusano.blogspot.com/2009/06/perfect-strictness-analysis-part-1.html
>   http://pchiusano.blogspot.com/2009/06/perfect-strictness-analysis-part-2.html
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