Am Sonntag 28 Juni 2009 18:06:52 schrieb Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH:
> On Jun 28, 2009, at 12:02 , michael rice wrote:
> > dec2bin :: Integer -> [Integer]
> > dec2bin n = dec2bin' n []
> >             where dec2bin' n acc
> >
> >                     | n == 0 = acc
> >                     | otherwise = let r = rem n 2
> >
> >                                       m = div (n - r) 2
> >                                   in dec2bin' m (r : acc)
> >
> > is there any way to assign a type signature to the helper function?
> Same way you do for a top level binding:
> >> dec2bin :: Integer -> [Integer]
> >> dec2bin n = dec2bin' n []
> >>             where dec2bin' :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
> >>                   dec2bin' n acc
> >>
> >>                     | n == 0 = acc
> >>                     | otherwise = let r = rem n 2
> >>
> >>                                       m = div (n - r) 2
> >>                                   in dec2bin' m (r : acc)

But, to mention it before it bites, putting type signatures involving type 
variables on 
local helper functions is not entirely straightforward. Consider

inBase :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
0 `inBase` b = [0]
n `inBase` b = local n []
        local 0 acc = acc
        local m acc = case m `divMod` b of
                        (q,r) -> local q (r:acc)

Now try giving a type signature to local. You can't.
What is the type of local?
It's (type of b) -> [type of b] -> [type of b],
but "type of b" isn't available.
If you try 
local :: a -> [a] -> [a]
local :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [a],
you are saying that local works for *every* type a (or for every type a which 
is an 
instance of Integral), because the 'a' from local's type signature is a new 
forall'd) type variable.

To be able to give local a type signature, you must bring the type variable 'a' 

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

inBase :: forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
0 `inBase` b = [0]
n `inBase` b = local n []
        local :: a -> [a] -> [a]    -- now this a is the same a as the one above
        local 0 acc = acc
        local m acc = case m `divMod` b of
                        (q,r) -> local q (r:acc)

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