Antoine Latter wrote:
Personally, I've never used "runhaskell Setup sdist" and I've only
ever used "cabal sdist". But I'm not sure where I learned that.

I think cabal-install is a pretty standard util for people to have,
and it ships with the Haskell platform now. So the big hurdle is

Andrew - where does it state that "Setup sdist" is the recommended way
of doing this? If it's a wiki you could go and edit it yourself.

Start from the Hackage homepage:

Click on "how to create a Haskell package", takes you to

Section shows you how to create a tarball - using setup sdist rather than cabal sdist. Indeed, I don't think cabal-install is mentioned anywhere.

If people seriously want this to become the preferred way to do things, it needs to be much more prominently documented.

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