Zippers come up as the "derivative" of the type; if you haven't yet
encountered this trick, then first find it :)

Try differentiating your datastructure.

2009/7/15 John Ky <>:
> Hello,
> If I use zippers, do all my nodes need to be the same type?  My tree doesn't
> have the same type for every node.  For example:
> Modules -> Module -> Types -> Type -> Members -> Member -> Type -> ...
> Thanks
> -John
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Miguel Mitrofanov <>
> wrote:
>> Sufficient, but not good.
>> Try zippers instead.
>> On 15 Jul 2009, at 08:29, John Ky wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Actually, I wanted to be able to create a tree structure when I can
>>> navigate both leaf-ward and root-ward.  I didn't actually care for equality.
>>> I think the tying the knot technique as mentioned by others is sufficient
>>> for this purpose.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -John
>>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 8:55 AM, John Dorsey <>
>>> wrote:
>>> John,
>>> > Is it possible to create a circular pure data structure in Haskell?
>>> >  For
>>> > example:
>>> Creating the data structure is easy; as other respondents have pointed
>>> out.
>>> A simple example is this...
>>> ones  = 1 : ones
>>> ones' = 1 : ones'
>>> Comparing these values is harder.  All of (ones), (ones'), (tail ones),
>>> and
>>> so forth are equal values.  But I don't know how to compare them.  My
>>> Spidey-sense tells me there's probably a simple proof that you can't, if
>>> you
>>> care about the comparison terminating.
>>> "Pointer equality" (ie. testing if the values are represented by the same
>>> bits in memory) is no good, since it's entirely up to the compiler
>>> whether
>>> ones and ones' use the same bits.  (They won't, but that's not
>>> important.)
>>> In general "pointer equality" of Haskell values, such as ones and (tail
>>> ones) interferes with referential transparency, which is held in high
>>> regard around here.  Although, for the record, when pointer equality is
>>> really what you want, I'm sure there's ways to Force It.
>>> For your purposes, does it matter if you can actually do the comparison?
>>>  Is
>>> it enough to know that ones and (tail ones) are equal?
>>> Regards,
>>> John
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