On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Don Stewart<d...@galois.com> wrote:
> fernanbolando:
>> Hi all
>> I recently used 2 hours of work looking for a bug that was causing
>> Program error: Prelude.!!: index too large
>> This is not very informative. It did not give me a hint which function
>> was causing this. In C adding a few printf would have helped me, but
>> in haskell I was not sure how to do that. Can anybody point me to some
>> debuggin method everyone uses.
> You could:
>    * use Debug.Trace.trace  (equivalent of printf debugging)
>    * use asserts: the 'assert' function
>    * use the GHCi debugger to construct a stack trace
>    * use profiling to construct a stack trace.
>    * use the GHC head branch for first class stack traces, described
>          in, "Finding the needle: Stack Traces for GHC"
> http://pubs.doc.ic.ac.uk/finding-the-needle/finding-the-needle.pdf

Another option would be to use Safe.atMay[1] instead of !!.


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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