Would you be so kind as to elaborate?

Sure. I'll just sketch how to deal the example in your e-mail. If you want to use recursive data types (like Lists or Trees), you'll need to use the Expr data type from the paper.

Instead of defining:

> data Foo = One | Two | Three | Four

Define the following data types:

> data One = One
> data Two = Two
> data Three = Three
> data Four = Four

You can define the following data type to assemble the pieces:

> infixr 6 :+:
> data (a :+: b) = Inl a | Inr b

So, for example you could define:

> type Odd = One :+: Three
> type Even = Two :+: Four
> type Foo = One :+: Two :+: Three :+: Four

To define functions modularly, it's a good idea to use Haskell's clasess to do some of the boring work for you. Here's another example:

> class ToNumber a where
>   toNumber :: a -> Int
> instance ToNumber One where
>    toNumber One = 1

(and similar instances for Two, Three, and Four)

The key instance, however, is the following:

> instance (ToNumber a, ToNumber b) => ToNumber (a :+: b) where
>    toNumber (Inl a) = toNumber a
>    toNumber (Inr b) = toNumber b

This instance explains how to build instances for Odd, Even, and Foo from the instances for One, Two, Three, and Four. An example ghci sessions might look like:

*Main> let x = Inl One :: Odd
*Main> toNumber x
*Main> let y = Inr (Inr (Inl Three) :: Foo
*Main> toNumber y

Of course, writing all these injections (Inr (Inr (Inl ...))) gets dull quite quickly. The (<) class in the paper explains how to avoid this.

I hope this gives you a better idea of how you might go about solving your problem. All the best,


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