Or, when the list is infinite, turn it into a some neat but cryptic State computation:

avgs = (:) <$> ((\d -> sum d `div` 3) <$> StateT (pure . splitAt 3)) <*> avgs

test = evalState avgs [1,2..]

Sebastiaan Visser

On Aug 27, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
How about this one? Should be pretty efficient.

let mavg n xs = let (sum -> seed,rest) = splitAt n xs in map (%n) .
scanl (\a (p,n) -> a+n-p) seed $ xs `zip` rest

2009/8/27 Patai Gergely <patai_gerg...@fastmail.fm>:
For example, starting from


you need to find the averages of

4,3,2 and 3,2,6 and 2,6,7

resulting in


What is the most elegant way to do that?
It's probably less elegant than tails, but very likely more efficient to keep track of running sums instead of summing the sublists over and over

import Data.Ratio

nsums n xs = map (% n) $ scanl (+) (sum (take n xs)) $ zipWith (-) (drop
n xs) xs


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