Hello all,

IFCP is a really inspiring place to hang/hack around with your fellow Haskell hackers. So, straight from Edinburgh, I proudly present a new release of fclabels[1,2], your favourite record selector package. This version is joint work with Chris Eidhof and Sjoerd Visscher.

This package has been around for a while but has been changed almost entirely now. Naming is different and has a far more consistent usage. This library might look cryptic at first sight, but give it a try it is not that hard.

There are more package around that serve the same purpose (like the Lenses package which was uploaded a few days ago), but I'm convinced the simplicity and elegance of fclabels will strike you all. ;-)

The package description is included below. Documentation can be found in the package itself or on Hackage.


Sebastiaan Visser

[1] Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fclabels
[2] Github: http://github.com/sebastiaanvisser/fclabels/tree/master

* package description *

  First class labels that act as bidirectional records fields.
  The labels are fully composable and can be used to get, set
  and modify part of datatypes in a consistent way. The label
  datatype, conveniently called `:->', is an instance of the
  `Category' type class meaning it has a proper identity and
  composition. The library has support for automatically
  deriving labels from record selectors that start with an
  underscore. Labels can be used in a pure functional setting or
  be applied to mutable state in some state monad.

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