I'm trying to learn qtHaskell. I realize few people on this list know anything about qtHaskell, but I have a question that probably relates to all GUIs as implemented in Haskell. I just need a hint that could help me figure out the next step, which I might be able to infer from the qtHaskell API.

I don't think is any tutorial-type or step-by-step type documentation for qtHaskell. I have sent some questions to the author of qtHaskell, David Harley, but he hasn't responded yet, and anyway I don't want to trouble him every time I have a question, so I'm trying to infer as much as I can.

The problem relates to state. In Qt, one adds state to a widget by subclassing it and adding new member variables. For example, I want to create a widget that responds to keypresses and remembers what keypresses have taken place.

I'm totally stuck on this part, because Haskell doesn't have state. There must be some kind of Haskell call that adds state to a widget, but it is hard to figure out from the qtHaskell examples David provides.

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