Hey Andy,

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 15:40, Andy Gimblett <hask...@gimbo.org.uk> wrote:

> Now, some of those algebraic data type types happen to be
> enumerations; in this case, my idea is to list the constructors, with
> the rule that each constructor's position in the list is the Int which
> gets converted into that constructor.
> > class Enumerated a where
> >     constructors :: [a]
> E.g. here's a type Bar with three constructors:
> > data Bar = X | Y | Z deriving (Show)
> > instance Enumerated Bar where
> >     constructors = [X, Y, Z]
> (This is certainly ugly.  Any suggestions?)

|constructors| is expressible in SYB:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Test where
> import Data.Data
> import Data.Generics.Aliases (extB)
> -- | Construct the empty value for a datatype. For algebraic datatypes, the
> -- leftmost constructor is chosen.
> empty :: forall a. Data a => a
> empty = general
>       `extB` char
>       `extB` int
>       `extB` integer
>       `extB` float
>       `extB` double where
>   -- Generic case
>   general :: Data a => a
>   general = fromConstrB empty (indexConstr (dataTypeOf general) 1)
>   -- Base cases
>   char    = '\NUL'
>   int     = 0      :: Int
>   integer = 0      :: Integer
>   float   = 0.0    :: Float
>   double  = 0.0    :: Double
> -- | Return a list of values of a datatype. Each value is one of the
> possible
> -- constructors of the datatype, populated with 'empty' values.
> constrs :: forall a. Data a => [a]
> constrs = general
>       `extB` char
>       `extB` int
>       `extB` integer
>       `extB` float
>       `extB` double where
>   -- Generic case
>   general :: Data a => [a]
>   general = map (fromConstrB empty)
>               (dataTypeConstrs (dataTypeOf (unList general))) where
>     unList :: Data a => [a] -> a
>     unList = undefined
>   -- Base cases
>   char    = "\NUL"
>   int     = [0   :: Int]
>   integer = [0   :: Integer]
>   float   = [0.0 :: Float]
>   double  = [0.0 :: Double]

|constrs| is similar to your |constructors|, but in this way you get it for
free for any datatype with a |Data| instance. Then I guess your |convert|

convert :: forall a. Data a => Int -> Maybe a
> convert n = let cs :: [a]
>                 cs = constrs
>             in if (length cs > n) then (Just (cs !! n)) else Nothing

Note that ScopedTypeVariables are essential to typecheck this code.

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