
On 24/09/2009, at 2:45 PM, Brad Larsen wrote:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Peter Gammie <> wrote:

Ambiguity is IMHO best handled with a judicious application of type (or data) families, but you can get surprisingly far by simply requiring that every class member mention all type variables in the class head. YMMV of

Can you say more about the use of type/data families?

Multi-parameter type classes generally lead to ambiguity - see the classic paper(s) by Simon PJ et al for some good examples.

In the context of Arrows, I used type/data families to make the representation type (e.g. Integer) a function of the arrow (e.g. a direct semantics), which makes life a bit easier for using this stuff but is not completely faithful to what I wanted. (Imagine you want to mix Integer and Double in the same expression.)

Hope this helps!



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